
Leading the Sertijab of Kodam IX/Udayana Officials, Pangdam: Give a Positive Color

Tatag Gianyar
Senin, 02 Oktober 2023, Oktober 02, 2023 WIB Last Updated 2023-10-02T05:20:53Z
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Denpasar - Pangdam IX/Udayana Maj. Gen. TNI Harfendi, S.I.P., M.Sc., led the Handover Ceremony and Tradition of the Kapoksahli Corps Report for Pangdam IX/Udayana and Pamen Expert in Economics, as well as the tradition of accepting Wadanrindam IX/Udayana, at the Makodam Hall IX/Udayana, Denpasar, on Monday (2/10/2023).

The handover began with the tradition of kissing Pataka Kodam IX/Udayana 'Praja Raksaka' by Brigadier General Farouk Pakar, S.Pd., who replaced Brigadier General Pranito Dwinarwan, S.I.P., as Kapoksahli Pangdam IX/Udayana, and Colonel Kav I Ketut Artayasa as Pamen Ahli Economic Sector replaces Colonel Kav Harry Raharjo, S.Sos., and Colonel Inf Hendi Ahmad Pribadi, S.I.P., M.I.P., as Wadanrindam IX/Udayana officials.

Next, a date was carried out and insignia was affixed to the officials who carried out the handover. It ended with the old officials kissing Kodam IX/Udayana Pataka so that they would then carry out their service duties in the new unit.

In his remarks, the Pangdam said that handing over positions within the TNI AD is a natural process in the context of organizational management, whose mechanisms always refer to the principles of personnel development and organizational development, which are interconnected with each other.

To the old officials, the Pangdam expressed his sincere thanks and high appreciation for carrying out his duties while carrying out his mandate of office with all forms of great service and dedication to Kodam IX/Udayana in particular.

"I congratulate the new officials, they should immediately learn their main duties and adapt to the work environment." Give a positive color that is able to motivate increased professionalism based on performance in each staff," hoped the Pangdam to end his speech.

Those present at this activity included Kasdam IX/Udayana, Irdam IX/Udayana, Danrem 163/WSA, Asrendam IX/Udayana, Assistants to Kasdam IX/Udayana, LO AL, LO AU, Expert Commanders, Dan/Kabalakdam IX/Udayana, and Chairman and Management of Persit KCK PD IX/Udayana. (Pendam IX/Udy)

